February 2023
Dear Parent/Carer
We are rapidly approaching the final few months of your child’s formal education at Mount Carmel. In order that we can work together and communicate effectively to secure the best possible outcomes for him/her we are hosting our second Year 11 Parents' Evening on Thursday 9th March 2023 from 4:00 – 7:00pm.
The purpose of this evening is to provide an opportunity to speak with your child’s subject teachers to discuss their current progress and be offered guidance on how you can support them to work most effectively in school and at home as they prepare for the final GCSEs in the Summer. It is vitally important that you attend this meeting but if you are unable to attend, that you send another suitable adult relative in your place.
There will also be an opportunity to meet with representatives from the various local colleges who will also be available during the evening to provide further information and advice.
In the week commencing 27th February, on return of the attached reply slip on the letter posted out to you, your child will receive an appointment card so that appointments can be made with their class teachers for you at an appropriate time. Please make sure that your child knows when you will be attending during the evening (for example, 4.00pm–6.30pm or 5.30pm–7.00pm).
Should you have any questions regarding this event or if you foresee a problem attending and you think we may be able to help then please contact me at school.
Yours sincerely
Miss Javaid
Pastoral Leader for Year 11