Physical Education
PE Extra-curricular and lunch clubs are updated on a half termly basis. A copy of the PE extra-curricular timetable is displayed in all form rooms, the PE corridor and in form rooms.
ALS (Additional Learning support)
ALS takes place Monday-Friday for Year 11. Pupils are allocated to a subject based upon their current progress. The allocation of pupils to subjects changes after each data drop.
Whole School Trips
- Year 7 - Lockerbie Trip - Relationship, team and confidence building.
- Year 7&8 - Paris Trip – Cultural experience
- Year 9 – Spain Trip – Cultural and language development
Departmental offsite/enrichment activities
- Year 7: Visit to Blackpool Zoo to support the SOL ‘Monsters’.
- Year 8: Author Visit / Theatre Visit.
- Year 9: Visit to Quarry Bank Mill to investigate Victorian lifestyle and context.
- Year 10: Creative writing with author Bali Rai.
- Year 10&11: Blood Brothers & Westside story theatre company visits to support the GCSE.
- Year 11: Poetry Live – enrichment for HAP to supplement the Literature GCSE.
- Year 11 – Fieldwork trip to Cleveleys beach and Salford Quays.
Health and Social Care
- Year 11 – Students helping out at the Mount Carmel Community Christmas Party.
- Year 10 – Work Experience related to the care industry used along with a witness statement for written coursework.
- Year 7: Skipton Castle Trip.
- Year 7 - 9: London Trip (Tower of London, London Dungeons, London Eye, Imperial War Museum and Westminster Abbey) - The purpose is to develop an understanding of the political, religious and military history of the capital.
- Year 8: Quarry Bank Mill
- Year 9: Imperial War Museum.
- Year 10: Leeds Armouries.
- Year 10 & 11: Trip to Krakow Poland, visiting Auschwitz (7 - 10th February 2020)
- Year 7: European Day of Languages Bake-Off.
- Year 7-10: Weekly Language Support Clinic.
- Year 9-10: Trips to UCLAN/MMU for Language Enrichment Events.
Performing Arts
- Year 7 - 9: Brass Ensemble.
- Year 7 - 9: ‘MC’s got Rhythm’ – Djembe Band.
- Year 7 - 9: ‘Ukulele Group’.
- Year 7 - 10: Theatre Trips/ Backstage tour of theatre.
- Year 7 - 11: Choir.
- Year 7 - 11: School Production.
- Year 7 - 11: CHARM.
- Year 7-11: Multi-Faith Day.
- Year 9: Health Day.
- Year 7-11: YSVP Group.
- Year 7-10: Chaplaincy team
- Year 7-11: Community Links – Visits to Roughlee Care Home.
- Year 7: Science Club.
- Year 7-11: Eco Club.
- Year 7&8: Science Extravaganza - to increase engagement and explore the wonder of science.
- Year 7-9: Activities for National Science Week.
- Year 9: Eco trip.
- Year 9-11: Brains on Fire! Inspiring pupils to want to study science post 16.
- Year 10: Science Live! Inspiring future scientists and help pupils prepare for GCSE exams.
Click on the 'Related News' link below to read lots more extra-curricular reports.
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