For queries regarding Careers and Aspirations please contact:
Mr C Barratt, Raising Aspirations Co-ordinator -
Mr J Hill, Assistant Headteacher -


A young person’s career is the progress they make in learning and work. All young people need a planned programme of activities to help them choose 14-19 pathways that are right for them and to be able to manage their careers and sustain employability throughout their lives. Mount Carmel believes it has a responsibility to provide careers education in Years 7 -11 and to give students access to careers information and impartial guidance.

The purpose of the Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) Programme is to provide a curriculum which will encourage the development of self-confidence, positive attitudes, determination and other qualities which will enable pupils to achieve satisfaction in the world beyond secondary school. Through this programme the pupils will have opportunities to develop decision making skills with regard to interests, subjects and jobs, and will also be provided with opportunities to develop an awareness of the “World of Work.”

It is intended that throughout the programme pupils will be provided with information and practical experiences which will raise their aspirations, challenge stereotypes, increase their cultural capital, and ultimately help them to make positive decisions for their future as well as encouraging a culture of lifetime learning.

Mount Carmel is committed to providing a planned programme of careers education and information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) for all students in Years 7-11, in partnership with the Careers & Enterprise Company (CEC) and our school Enterprise Advisor. Mount Carmel follows the statutory guidance from the Department for Education (2018) which recommends that schools work toward the Gatsby Foundation’s Benchmarks for Good Careers Guidance.

Refer to the CEIAG Policy below for full information.



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