For queries regarding examinations please contact:
Miss N Takacs, Examinations Officer


Proposed changes to the assessment of mathematics, physics and combined science GCSEs in 2024


Exam timetables

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KS3 Assessment Information

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PPE information

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Exam Information

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Conduct in Examinations

  • Students need to bring their own equipment to an examination. This includes pens, pencils, ruler, eraser and, where permitted, a calculator. If you use a pencil case, it must be transparent.
  • Students should arrive in good time and ensure they know where to sit, according to the seating plan on display.
  • Mobile phones are absolutely forbidden and their use can result in instant disqualification. Students should not bring a phone or other electronic equipment to an examination, and if they do so they will be required to hand it in to the invigilators before the exam begins.

These are some of the most important points to be aware of.

Top Tips for success in exams

  • A well organised, planned revision programme is essential – it will increase confidence and reduces stress. DO NOT leave it to the night before.
  • Make the most of the last minute warm up sessions provides by your teachers. They provide vital hints and tips.
  • Get plenty of sleep, eat well and drink lots of water. Your brain works better when it’s alert.

Following are links to awarding bodies:

