For queries regarding Pupil Premium please contact:
Mr K Georgy, Assistant Headteacher

Information about Pupil Premium

This information is for the parents and carers of all pupils who qualify for Pupil Premium (PP) funding. 

Pupil Premium is additional funding received by schools and is described by the government as “additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils”. 

Whilst this is the phrase that the government uses, disadvantaged is not a word that we use here in school. We refer to pupils a 'pupil premium' rather than disadvantaged.

However, whatever the phrase we choose to use, pupils who qualify for PP funding on average perform significantly below non - PP pupils of the same ability. This is true both nationally and at Mount Carmel. The reason for this achievement gap is many and multi-layered. 

Our aim is to improve the attainment and progress of PP pupils and narrow the gap that currently exists between PP pupils and non-PP pupils. 

To do this we have developed a clear and detailed Pupil Premium strategy. As an SLT we review the strategy each term and annually. We report the impact it has had on raising attainment and progress at the end of each term and annually to governors.

All our school monitoring and evaluation systems and data analysis are focused on the PP cohorts. We report all aspects of health, well-being, welfare, attendance and behaviour to the governors Every Child Matters and attainment and progress to the Quality of Education governors committee's. 

The following Pupil Premium documents are available to view or download, please click on the relevant link below.

Pupil Premium

Updated: 10/01/2025 395 KB

To register for free school meals and pupil premium, please visit the Lancashire County Council webpage