ECO UPDATE - Spring Term 2025

Pigeon Welfare

Activity: We continue to care for our school pigeons. The new Year 7 eco students love learning about the birds and their habits. We also hold open sessions on Friday breaktimes for students to drop in and handle and feed the birds.

Impact: Increased student engagement with wildlife and hands-on learning about bird care.

Blackberry Picking

Activity: We have an abundance of blackberry hedgerow in the eco garden. Early in the autumn term, we spent a couple of sessions learning about the natural bounty provided by our hedgerows and collecting berries for students to take home and use.

Impact: Promoted outdoor activity, understanding of local flora, and provided fresh produce for students.

Discussing and Setting Eco Action Plan

Activity: The eco students reviewed last year's action plan and considered priorities for this year. The plan was drafted with student assistance, reviewed, and formalized. It is revisited throughout the year to review progress and plan future events.
The three key priorities are:
1. Improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon output;
2. Increase curriculum links with Eco and use of the eco garden;
3. Improve recycling systems in school.

Impact: Fostered student engagement in environmental issues and created a dynamic roadmap for sustainable practices.

Carbon Reduction Plan

Activity: Students discussed ways to reduce our carbon footprint in the short, mid, and long term. Strategies included a "switch it off" campaign, classroom energy audits, a travel campaign, meat-free days, better recycling systems, and planting more trees.

Impact: Raised awareness of carbon emissions and implemented measures to lower energy consumption and carbon footprint.

Bulb and Tree Planting

Activity: In association with the science department, we planted spring bulbs at the front of the school and received 400 trees from the Woodland Trust for hedgerow planting in the sports field.

Impact: Enhanced green spaces, improved air quality, and provided hands-on learning about plant biology.

Christmas Tree Decorating

Activity: The eco group decorated a Christmas tree at St Johns Church, Accrington, and won first prize. The tree was funded by the PTFA, and we retained it (along with 12 other unwanted trees) for planting in school grounds. Students enjoyed making sustainable decorations from recycled materials.

Impact: Encouraged creativity and sustainability during festive celebrations.

Litter Picking

Activity: We continue to litter pick every lunchtime with a dedicated team of Year 7 students who encourage good practices.

Impact: Improved cleanliness and instilled a sense of responsibility towards the environment.

Reduce Your Carbon Seminar

Activity: Mr Blair attended educational seminar on reducing carbon footprints.

Impact: Increased knowledge about carbon reduction with a view to inspiring students to adopt eco-friendly habits.

Carbon Footprint Toolkit

Activity: Using a toolkit to help measure and reduce carbon footprints.

Impact: Provided practical tools for students and staff to monitor and decrease their carbon emissions.

Expansion of Rooftop Solar Panels

Activity: Future roof works will be funded externally, allowing us to install additional solar panels. This will double the amount of solar panels and bring us closer to our goal of generating all our electricity from solar energy.

Impact: Increased renewable energy usage and reduced reliance on non-renewable energy sources.

Investigating Wind Power

Activity: We wish to investigate wind power as another sustainable energy source available on site.

Impact: Enhanced understanding of renewable energy sources and potential for future implementation.

Investigating Car Park Charging Points

Activity: We are investigating the feasibility of installing electric vehicle charging points to encourage the use of electric vehicles, which will eventually be powered by 100% sustainable electricity from our solar and wind projects.

Impact: Promoted the use of electric vehicles and supported sustainable transportation options.

Recycling Campaign – Education and Plan

Activity: Prepared a recycling education campaign and developed a comprehensive recycling plan.

Impact: Increased recycling rates, reduced waste, and educated the school community on the importance of recycling.

Eco Christmas Party

Activity: Hosted a Christmas party where we invited non-eco students to share our experiences and joy, hoping to recruit new members in the spring term.

Impact: Fostered a sense of community and encouraged more students to join eco-friendly initiatives.

MBR, 10.1.25


ECO REPORT - Autumn Term 2024

Northwest Sustainability Learning Conference, 27.6.24 at Blackburn Rovers FC

  • 2 teams (12 students) attended this event.  The first part of the day was a “Marketplace” where the students went round various business and charity stalls specialising in eco matters and had the opportunity to explore, ask questions and receive some “goodies”.  Following lunch, the students excelled in the STEM Challenge competition which was overseeing a project of decarbonisation and 'greening' in a fictional town culminating in a pitch of their project ideas to the competition judges.  The "Green Machines" team were commended for their "Amazing Social Value Initiative" element of the project and the "No Ties MC" team won the overall competition and a cash prize for the school.  
  • The money won has been set aside to purchase fruit trees for planting in our orchard in the eco garden so as to offset our carbon footprint of the minibus journeys to and from the event thereby rendering it a carbon-neutral trip.

Tree planting c. Nov 24

  • A further 420 free trees (saplings) were ordered from The Woodland Trust for planting this year and will be delivered in early November.  Science, Geography and RE have been invited to take part in the planting of these trees and are working on adapting the planting of these saplings into their specific curriculum areas at the relevant times of the year.  
  • In addition, Helen Earnshaw, Trees Action Officer from the Prospects Foundation will be coming to school on 15.10.24 for a site visit before starting a separate tree planting venture with the Foundation and her expertise and guidance will be extremely helpful in planning all our planting.
  • We are proud of our efforts in school to improve air quality, reduce carbon and improve biodiversity having planted, what will be, over 1300 trees in the last 3 years.  They will also be wonderful visually.  

Pond project

  • Further work took place on the pond area over the summer holidays when the sides of the pond were straightened and reinforced with recycled timber joists which were then back filled with soil.  This will make the pond more secure and defined and will lead to complimentary planting and erecting of a bridge/platform across it to allow easier access for students using the pond during science lessons (pond dipping etc)

Litter picking

  • Daily litter picking efforts continue at breaktime and lunchtime when MBR can engage and discuss the problems with litter and encourage a more positive and thoughtful attitude to this problem.  In addition to the KS3 volunteers, we also have the use of 2 school prefects a day which really helps to set the right example to volunteers and students choosing to litter.  Litter was noticeably worse at break times in the first week of term, but the constant and positive presence of volunteer litter pickers has seen this greatly improve.  Still more work to be done however!

Priorities for 2024-2025 

The eco council are currently working on and finalising the key priorities for this year, but these will include:

  • To encourage new year 7 students to participate in eco group activities
  • To continue litter picking around school
  • Eco Champions Day – theme tbc
  • Investigate and seek to secure further funding for eco projects such as solar panel installation, tree planting projects etc.
  • Increase eco links in department lessons and curriculum (and SEND)
  • Encourage greater use of outdoor spaces in curriculum lessons (not just practical lessons)
  • To continue seeking to reduce our carbon footprint in school – e.g. travel to school – step 1 carry out a travel to school audit for all pupils and staff; step 2 launch an educational campaign to highlight the problems with carbon based travel and suggesting alternatives; step 3 launch a publicity campaign on the issue (e.g. a sponsored walk/cycle/car share to school day); step 4 carry out a further audit later in the year to measure impact and understanding  

MBR, 30.9.24

Summer term 2023 ECO update from Mr Blair and Miss Jenkinson

World Environment Day and World Oceans Day 2023 were acknowledged with a video message from a group of our ECO club members. This was shown to pupils in all year groups during form time. Here is a link to the video

A new bigger pigeon loft has been received and erected by our site team. This provides much more scope for nesting, young chicks and access for the pupils. Racing will commence in second half term following the training of birds to home to the new loft. 

The outdoor planting and tending programme has started now that the weather has improved.

The new pond will be dug soon.

A tree planting ceremony for the Coronation took place along with a tree for the new year 7 cohort this year (going forward a tree will be planted for every new year group). We now have a small fruit orchard of 7 trees.

We are finalising pupil led classroom energy audits so that a pilot can run in the second half term. This will officially start in September.  

A charity rough sleep out is planned for second half term – approx 6-8 pupils.

A group of 6 pupils will be attending the 'Sustainability Learning Conference NW' at Ewood Park later in June.

Spring term 2023 ECO update from Mr Blair and Miss Jenkinson

RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch - in conjunction with the group of pupils and staff doing the Science and Biology Challenge, we completed an audit of the birds on our patch of school ground for 1 hour after school recording the type and number of birds seen for the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 2023 and sending the details off to help with the national audit. The outdoor trail web cams were also set up.  
Integrate Preston & Chorley Ltd a charity dealing in reclaimed wood and providing employment for adults with special educational needs donated a wonderful bird table. They also provided posts for some temporary bird feeders for the bird watch. We thank them very much for these items and look forward to working with them on projects in the future.  

The pond project in the ECO garden will be starting after half term and an army of helpers with diggers and spades will be needed.  

The 'Laudato Si Champions' programme continues during the Eco club on Wednesday lunchtimes led by Miss Jenkinson.

We are planning on holding a charity 'Rough Sleep Out to Live in Solidarity with the Poor' hopefully later in the half term towards the Easter break when it is warmer. 

The ECO Champions Day for partner primary schools and the Mount Carmel ECO team will take place in March.

A new, bigger pigeon loft is being installed which will provide more space for the growing number of birds and will provide nesting boxes for the birds (they have already started laying eggs) and will provide an aviary for the birds to get some fresh air and for pupils to view them more easily. We are preparing for the pigeon racing season which starts in late March.

Mount Carmel are working towards receiving accreditation for being an ECO School.


We have already achieved a lot such as reducing energy expenditure, introducing more water fountains, having an eco-friendly dining room, working with our pupils to develop the school memorial garden & allotment area and organising ECO Champions Days with groups of pupils from our partner primary schools.

We have a team of Eco Champions comprising of pupils, teaching & support staff and parents who meet regularly to discuss action plans and organise activities and awareness opportunities for all pupils in the school and the wider community.


Read about some of their recent activities in the news feed below.


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