A family of Faith & Learning
- We are a loving Family
- We are a visible Family of Faith
- We are an ambitious Family of Faith and Learning
Living out our Mission daily
Welcome to our website where you can find lots of information about our school applicable to both current and prospective families.
Delve into the news and school life areas to get a feel of daily life at Mount Carmel which includes a wide range of activities and events.
Watch Mount Carmel Headteacher Mr Xavier Bowers introducing you to our school with a video message.
During a week in July 2024, the school timetable will be suspended and all pupils in years 7-9 will undertake 'enrichment' activities. This includes the option of a trip abroad or a residential trip to a selection of locations in the U.K. Other enrichment activities such as day trips will take place during the week.
The Carmelite Award Scheme is a challenge-based initiative developed to inspire and build confidence.
Each award consists of four categories; Prayer, Community, Service and Reliability and there is a different award for each year group. The year 7 award is bronze, year 8 is silver, year 9 is gold and the year 10 award is platinum.