Mount Carmel pupils have spent their lessons looking at ways that Mental Health can be linked, in other areas of school aside from PSHCE. This was done specifically to raise the awareness and the importance of PSHCE and Mental Health as an important subject area, but to showcase the links it has outside of the standard curriculum.
Pupils have done some of the following tasks in their lessons:
- English - All classes have a specified starter activity based on their class novel (Of Mice and Men in year 8 and A Christmas Carol in year 9); this will link to the idea of mental health and key characters. The start of lessons will have a series of questions followed by a discussion. Pupils in Year 10 and 11 have all had a specified retrieval starter activity based on their GCSE text (Macbeth Year 10 and Blood Brothers in Year 11); this will link to the idea of mental health and key characters. The start of lessons will have a series of questions followed by a discussion.
- Maths - Will be looking at scrabble task of how valuable their name is. This will be linked with how everyone is unique and how some people may feel less valuable and how we can make them feel more valuable in the challenging world of today.
- Science - Pupils looked at what factors that may affect our physical mental health or both. They will think about why these affect their health. As well as looking at any other factors that affect their physical and / or mental health.
- PSHCE - The department will be looking at Charlie Mackesy's "The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse", and will be reflecting on the themes of friendship, relationships, and life lessons for people of all ages. Pupils will be analysing the ways the key characters reframe negative thoughts and feelings, and as part of their work, they will be producing their own artwork looking at a key quote from the book that meant something to them and drawing an image of their own to represent it.
- RE - Pupils will explore the Papal Encyclical: Laudato Si (Care for our Common Home) and think about how Pope Francis' message for a fairer world where we put each other first, rather than waste. We are called to explore real and meaningful relationships with our global neighbours and take care with virtual relationships where people are disposable. Care for the environment is important because the poorest are those who suffer most in an unequal world. Pupils will finish the lesson by reflection on steps we can take to make the world a happier, safer, less wasteful and cleaner place.
- Performing Arts - Students will be writing song lyrics around mental health. As a starter task, we will look at what mental health is and then in pairs they will write a song/rap and perform these back to the class.
- Computer Science - We will be looking at the recent Facebook whistleblowing allegations about the link between social media and mental health.. In KS4, pupils did the former, but also looked at the links to the legal, ethical, and cultural elements of the course.
- History - Students discussed the benefits of learning from history and past mistakes and how this can help us to move forward and make better decisions
- Geography - Linked David Attenborough looking at how Mental Health can be evident in Nature.
- DT - Students will discuss the benefits of creativity and the impact creative activities have on mental health and mood. Studies have proven that creative activities help bult connections with self and others and encourage teenagers to build positive relationships. Where appropriate, students will have a choice of a variety of creative activities to take part in during the lesson.
- Art - Following on from pupils PSHCE lessons, students also looked at Charlie Mackesy's novel and recreated some of the illustrations using watercolour. Students will identify their favourite quotes from the book and discuss what they mean and also how they can relate to them. They also had a go at some basic calligraphy working from the novel.
- Food Tech - Students discussed the links with food and mental health and what foods are best lifting mood
- PE - Students discussed the link between physical, mental health and our well-being.
- MFL - Students used a graphic entitled 'peor salud mental, el mayor efecto de la pandemia en niños y jóvenes' (worse mental health, the greatest effect of the pandemic on children and young people').
Mr Khan who co-ordinated the day commented "All in all, the day has been well-received, and the pupils have had a fantastic opportunity to explore cross-curricular links. It has been amazing to see all departments in school do their bit, to incorporate the theme of World Mental Health Day : "Mental Health in an Unequal World", in such creative and talented ways in their subject areas. The pupils have produced fantastic work, and should be applauded for their engagement and efforts today."