October 2021
Dear Parent /Carer
Re: Science Refresh Programme
I am writing to you to highlight our Mount Carmel Science Refresh Programme, which will begin on 1 November 2021 for all pupils.
The programme has been put in place for pupil in years 8-11, to review and consolidate learning which took place during Covid-19 disruption, to ensure pupils’ knowledge in these areas of science is secure. For our new Year 7 pupils, we want to ensure that they develop a strong range of study skills and begin to build review and revision into their independent study routines.
We have selected key topics which will facilitate your child’s progress this year and beyond. The monthly tasks will consist of a Science Refresh activity of approximately 30 minutes, followed by a 20-mark question task which pupils will complete on Show My Homework. The schedule for each year group is detailed below and will form an integral part of their scheduled homework.
We very much hope that you will support your child in this exciting and compulsory Science Refresh programme. If you have any questions regarding this, please contact me via email at shaworth@mountcarmelhigh.lancs.sch.uk
Yours sincerely
Mrs S Haworth
Assistant Curriculum Leader for Science