As you are aware Mount Carmel has had a recent outbreak and in order to keep our children and their families safe, we are implementing several control measures in order to minimise any risk.
Yesterday we completed COVID-19 PCR tests for all pupils in Y10 and Y11 and staff who are currently on site and have previously given consent. The results have come back overnight, and we have no new staff positive cases and only a very small number of pupils.
Today we completed COVID-19 PCR tests for pupils in Y7 and pupils in Y10 and Y11 who are currently self-isolating at home to have a PCR test on site who have also previously given consent for a COVID -19 test.
Tomorrow all pupils in Y8 and Y9 will be asked to have a PCR Test onsite. Parents have already been contacted regards the details of the schedule for the day. Please will pupils enter the school top gate near the music and drama block, wear a warm coat and have their mobile number and postcode available for the registration process.
All pupils in Y8 and Y9 who come to the school site tomorrow will also be provided with enough home test kits for all other family members to take a PCR test. This is because Public Health Lancashire are aware that pupils who have tested positive may have infected other members of their household. With this in mind we are encouraging all other family members to also take a PCR test and return it to school before 3pm on Friday 30 April.
Families with pupils in all other year groups are being asked by Public Health Lancashire to have a PCR test at one of the local PCR testing centres as soon as possible and before the end of the day on Friday. You can book your test here: https://self-referral.test-for-coronavirus.service.gov.uk/antigen/essential-worker. It is important because you may not have symptoms to proceed through the questions and then tick the box that says: "My local council or health protection team has asked me to get a test, even though I do not have symptoms"
Please remember that if you have already had a positive PCR test within the 90 days, there is no need to be tested unless it was negative
All pupils who have tested positive or have been identified as having close contact via our school Track and Trace or NHS Track and Trace must self-isolate for 10 days. Families affected by this outbreak are entitled to claim the government grant of up to £500. Families who qualify for a free school meal should contact school if they have not collected a food parcel.
Hyndburn Hub are also encouraging families in the local community who need support to contact them direct out of school hours. Full information is available here: https://www.hyndburnbc.gov.uk/hyndburn-hub/
More details about using Lateral Flow Tests will be given at the end of the week.
As an additional precaution, Hyndburn Borough Council have kindly arranged for the school to be ‘Fogged’ after school today. This process involves an antibacterial and antiviral fine vapour sprayed in all classrooms, communal areas and offices.
We have our remote online Y7 Parents Evening scheduled on Thursday 29 April from 4.30 – 7.30pm. Please be aware that some staff may not be available or only available for part of the evening. We will do our very best to re-arrange these appointments. Please do get in touch if your child’s teacher does not provide feedback on their progress, behaviour, and attitude to learning.
We are also reviewing the schedule we have published for Y11 assessments that will be used to provide evidence for the ‘Teacher Assessed Grades’ process that all schools are being asked to put in place this year. The assessment schedule will be updated through our examination page and pupils will be notified of any changes. No pupils will be disadvantaged or advantaged because of this COVID-19 outbreak. Further details will follow from school regards this important matter.
Many thanks for your continued support.
Mr Bowers