Tuesday 27 April 2021
Public Health have arranged for 2 COVID-19 mobile testing units to be sited at school for the next 3 days.
Today we will be aiming to complete a COVID-19 PCR test for all pupils in Y10 and Y11 and staff who are currently on site and have previously given consent. It is then really important that all pupils and staff stay safe in the local community and follow government rules and guidance.
Covid PCR tests will take place for all other pupils who have not been in school today (27.04).
Pupils will be asked to enter and exit the school site at the top gate near music and drama. We suggest they wear a coat to keep warm and dry whilst they wait to be tested outside.
The proposed schedule for Wednesday 28.04.21 is as follows.
Period 1 - 7C and 7A form groups
Period 2 - 7R and 7M form groups
Period 3 - 7E and 7L form groups
Period 4 - Y10 pupils who were not in school today (27.04) or who have not had a PCR test in the last 48 hours
Period 5 - Y11 pupils who are not in school today (27.04) or who have not had a PCR test in the last 48 hours
All pupils in Y8 and Y9 and pupils in other year groups that have been in direct contact with a pupil who has tested positive will be contacted by NHS track and trace and be expected to self-isolate for 10 days.
We will continue to use the Lateral Flow Tests in school and we strongly encourage parents to use them at home. Monday and Thursday mornings are our school testing days but given the circumstances please test daily if you feel you need to do so and contact school if your supplies are running low. We have ordered more Lateral Flow self-testing kits from the DfE.
We are continuing to work closely with Public Health Lancashire, Lancashire LA and Hyndburn Borough Council and very grateful for the fantastic support we have received from external agencies. We are going to continue to do our utmost to keep school open onsite for pupils in year 10 and year 11, but we will have to keep the situation under constant review.
Many thanks for your continued support.
Mr Bowers