Mount Carmel participated in British Science Week with all Key Stage 3 pupils (Years 7, 8 and 9) being given scientific tasks to carry out in their lessons inspired by the British Science Week theme for 2021 'Innovating our Future' .
Challenges were also set for the pupils;
Year 7 were asked to design and make a scientific hat, which could be based on anything scientific.
Year 8 and Year 9 had to design a poster showing their own invention/innovative design based on the theme of the week. This task was intended to get the pupils thinking of a product, service, futuristic device or toy.
Science teacher Mrs Hanson who co-ordinated the activities during the week commented "We have some very promising designers and inventors at Mount Carmel who have some amazing ideas."
Pictured here are Year 7 pupils Aimee H., Tristen B and Ruby P. with their winning hats for their year group.