Mount Carmel High School held a mock interview day and careers fair to provide an opportunity for pupils from year groups 9, 10 and 11 to find out more about the post 16 options available to them and to experience a formal interview situation.
During the day representatives from local further education colleges, businesses, Lancashire Constabulary, Accrington Stanley Football Club and Salford Diocese all held one-to-one interviews for the year 11 pupils. Interviews lasted approximately 20 minutes with feedback immediately provided to each pupil.
Chris Barratt, Mount Carmel CEIAG (careers and guidance co-ordinator) commented “We are extremely grateful for the professional representatives from the many businesses and organisations who supported this day which has become a firm date in the school diary. It is an invaluable experience for our pupils to experience a formal interview situation and present themselves and their skills to someone other than staff at the school. The feedback they receive is vital to help them prepare for their next stage in life.”
A careers fair was organised later in the day with pupils and their families from year groups 9, 10 and 11 attending. Information stalls were hosted by representatives from; Blackburn College, Nelson & Colne College, Burnley College, Training 2000, St. Christopher’s Sixth Form, BRGS sixth form and Accrington Stanley Community Trust.
The event provided invaluable information for all who attended.