Mount Carmel Headteacher's video message to parents dated Tuesday 13th June 2023 contains the following information;
- Year 11 only GCSE's P.E. kit
- Year 11 leavers assembly - Monday 19th June - followed by shirt signing
- Prom Friday 7th July
- Uniform donations
- Year 10 PPE exam results day
- Fr. Francis Silver Jubilee Mass
- Hot weather - Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 no ties, blazers or jumpers
- 'An Evening at the Musicals' school show Weds 5th July - tickets now on sale
- HPV vaccinations on Friday
- Year 6 Step Up days - Thurs 6th and Fri 7th July
- Year 6 new admissions parent information evening on Thurs 7th July at 7pm
- Food Bank Bingo begin collection next week to end by Summer break