17.11.22 Headteacher's video message to parents
This video message contains the following information;
- Secondary School of the Year - Hyndburn Sports Award
- Year 11 mock interview day
- KS4 Awards Evening
- Remembrance Day service
- Anti-bullying week
- Non-uniform blue day - Friday 18 November
- Year 7 Lockerbie residential
- Change to parent pick up point from school
- Friday 2 December - pupils not in school
- Friday 2 December 6-8pm - PTFA Christmas Market
- Donations still welcome for our Christmas hampers - small gifts for teenage boys & girls, family board games, tubs of chocolate/boxes of biscuits, chocolate bars, selection boxes, food (tins, jars, coffee, tea, desserts etc.)
- Carol singing at the market hall - Tues 6 Dec 10-12noon, please come and watch our choir and our partner Catholic primary schools
- World Cup match England v Iran
- KS3 Assessments