November 1st marks the Feast of All Saints and the beginning of a month of prayer and remembrance.
All pupils attended prayer liturgies, led by KS4 Chaplaincy Reps. and Mr. Davies (Curriculum Leader - RE) during morning assemblies. This included a reflection on the inspirational life of Blessed Carlo Acutis, an Italian teenager who died in 2006. We are invited to think about God's calling for us all to be saints.
For the feast day, a number of pupils representing each form group went down to St. Anne's Church, Accrington for Holy Mass, celebrated by Fr. Francis. Rhys and Isobel led the Liturgy of the Word. On our return to school, we visited our own Chapel to reflect and pray for those in our community who have died. May they rest in peace.
Throughout November, the prayer wall will be available for pupils and staff to reflect and remember, as we pray for those who have died.