As part of our Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance provision, we are planning a ‘Take Your Child to Work Day' on 27 January 2023 for Year 9 students. This follows the huge success of our Work Experience programme for Year 10s and will involve students spending a day at their parents’/carers’ work, shadowing them throughout the day. It will give the students valuable experience of the world of work and prepare them for their entry into the workplace in the future.
This is a voluntary activity, and we do understand that for a variety of reasons it may not be possible for your child to accompany you to work. If this is not possible, we would suggest asking relatives or friends if they would be able to accommodate them so that they all have an equal opportunity to take part. Please be aware however that on this activity, you (not school) will be responsible for your child’s welfare and safety.
We hope you can arrange for your child to accompany someone throughout a normal working day. They will travel to and from work with that person and be covered by the Health and Safety practices of the organisation that they are visiting and their insurance. If a suitable placement is still not available your child will need to be in school as normal on that day.
A video with more information including rationale, some examples of what may or may not be an appropriate placement, the procedure and next steps has been posted on the school website and Facebook page, and a QR code can be found below which links directly to the video. Please make sure that you have watched this video before arranging any placements.
Please complete the attached reply slip by Friday 21 October to give us an idea of how many pupils will not be taking part. Note – if you complete the attached and say you do not wish your child to take part, you can still contact me if you change your mind prior to the deadline for placement details which will be February half term.
Students will not be able to take part without a completed placement form (also attached) and a copy of the Employer’s Liability Insurance.
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me in school at careers@mountcarmelhigh.co.uk or via phone at 01254 233458.
Yours sincerely,
Mr C Barratt
Raising Aspirations Coordinator