We formally introduced our pupils to our new School Mission Statement with a Mission Day Retreat.
Every pupil from year 7 to year 11 reflected on their place within the Mission of Mount Carmel across the three dimensions of Family, Faith and Learning. Pupils thought of themselves as the branches of a tree with strong roots; we go in different directions and meet Faith in our own way but we share common roots of stability and strength.
We moved on to think of the uniqueness of our own lives and what we can bring to the flourishment of the community and we concluded with writing letters to our future selves with our hopes and dreams for the future. Mr Dugdale, Deputy Headteacher, led assemblies to celebrate this amazing day and to pray for God's guidance in fulfilling our Mission.
This important Retreat was the culmination of a process of consultation starting last March and we are proud to share our Mission across the community of our wonderful school.
We are Mount Carmel - a Family of Faith and Learning.