Mount Carmel pupils went on a 3 day residential trip to Savio House Retreat Centre, organised by the R.E. department. The theme of the retreat was 'Building Bridges'.
The thirty year 8 pupils participated in a Reconciliation Service; an opportunity to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation or a blessing. They also took part in a wide range of activities including a guided meditation, outdoor games culminating in a volleyball match with water bombs and a treasure hunt.
Pupils and staff prepared for Mass one evening with music, art and drama contributions. Then they 'partied' with dancing, a disco and karaoke. A liturgy of affirmation on the last morning marked the end of the journey all participants took together.
Mr Davies, Curriculum Leader for R.E. at Mount Carmel and Miss Dawson, RE. teacher commented "The Year 8 pupils were a credit to the school and to their families throughout the residential visit. The pupils enjoyed meditating, singing hymns and singing the grace at the start of every meal. The staff at Savio could not have been more complimentary of our pupils. They really made an excellent impression and represented the school well."