Year 7 pupils all participated in an RSE drop down day, which has been further aligned to their Relationships and Sex Education curriculum. In the two sessions, pupils watched a short film, provided by TenTen Resources, titled "Facts of Life", and were introduced to the character of Esther, who had newly moved schools part way through the academic year, and was trying to navigate her way around making friends, and learning how to fit in. 

The pupils then engaged in powerful discussions about whether receiving nasty or hurtful commentary is worse in person or real life and had some very thought provoking opinions on this matter.

Pupils in their second session then participated in more creative group work and individual tasks, referencing the message of Trudy Ludwig's book "The Invisible Boy" and were looking at ways that they could boost the self confidence of the character 'Brian' in her book.

Lastly, pupils took part in an 'affirmation' task where they wrote their name in the middle of a piece of card, and passed it around their tables where other pupils wrote lovely comments and affirmations about them such as "you are a good friend", "you have a nice smile" etc.

The pupils were well behaved, respectful and enthusiastic to share their thoughts and feelings.