30 April 2021
Yesterday we completed COVID-19 PCR tests for all pupils in Y8 and Y9 who have not tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 90 days. The results have come back overnight and as expected a small number of pupils have tested positive. All parents of pupils affected will have been notified through the NHS automated system.
Today we have completed a second COVID-19 PCR test for all staff and pupils in Y10 and Y11 who are currently onsite. The results will come back overnight, and parents will be informed using the NHS automated system. For all positive cases we will have to look at our seating plans for pupils who have been in school this week in Y10 and Y11 to complete our school Track and Trace. All staff and pupils who have tested positive or have been identified as having close contact via our school Track and Trace or NHS Track and Trace must self-isolate for 10 days.
On Tuesday 4 May we look forward to welcoming the vast majority of pupils back into school. We will have arranged for an extended form time on Tuesday to remind pupils about the importance of personal hygiene, wearing face masks, entry / exit arrangements, the 1-way system and arrangements for break and lunch.
Families affected by our school outbreak may be entitled to claim the government grant of up to £500. Hyndburn Hub are also encouraging families in the local community who need support to contact them direct out of school hours.
- Full testing information is available here: https://www.hyndburnbc.gov.uk/coronavirus-tests/
- £500 grant for self-isolation information https://www.hyndburnbc.gov.uk/news/new-package-to-support-and-enforce-self-isolation/
I can also reassure families that Public Health England are not concerned about a variant. It has been identified as the standard UK strain that is dominant in the UK population. Further to my video message, Public Health England believe that we are now well on top of this outbreak and recommend that we revert back to our twice weekly Lateral Flow tests for all staff and pupils before arriving at school.
Staff and pupils should take a Lateral Flow Test on Monday night or Tuesday morning before arriving to school. Important instructions on how to register the test can be found here Lateral Flow Test instructions
Please see the exams section on our school website for the revised Y11 assessments schedule. No pupils will be disadvantaged or advantaged because of this COVID-19 outbreak.
Many thanks again for all your support in what was been an unprecedented week at school, but we are really proud how we have all pulled together on site while still supporting pupils and families remotely at home. Have a lovely bank holiday weekend and stay safe.
Many thanks
Mr Bowers