Mount Carmel are looking to appoint twelve Year 9 pupils to be “Wellbeing Ambassadors”
Mr Khan explains the project and application process in this short video.
The team of pupils will run projects in school working with Steve Burns from 'Think Forward CIC'.
This Wellbeing Challenge has been funded by The Big Lottery to work with 500 children and young people across 50 schools in Lancashire over three years to empower them with skills to support the wellbeing of their peers, creating resilient schools and reducing the number of children that go on to develop mental health conditions.
Through this participation pupils can be more involved in improving the Mental Health of our school.
Those pupils who are interested in applying for this role need to apply with a short letter that outlines:
- Why you want to be a Wellbeing Ambassador?
- Why is Mental Health important to you?
- What changes would you like to make to improve Mental Health at Mount Carmel?
- What do you think would make an overall difference to the wellbeing of Mount Carmel?
The application deadline is Monday 19th October 2020 and letters need to be given directly to Mr Khan or their form tutor. Alternatively, letters can be emailed to Mr Khan on mkhan@mountcarmelhigh.lancs.sch.uk