Year 7 Settling In Evening
Date: Thursday 22 October 2020
Time: 4.00 - 7.00pm
Purpose: An opportunity to discuss how well your child has settled into life at Mount Carmel.
How: Virtual / remote video meeting
Dear Parent/carer
On Thursday 22nd October 2020 from 4:00pm–7:00pm we will be hosting our Year 7 virtual ‘Settling in evening’. Here you will have the opportunity to speak with your son/daughter’s form tutor to see how they have settled into life at Mount Carmel and learn how best you can help your son/daughter continue making progress. I cannot stress how important it is that you are able to support your son/daughter by attending the evening.
There will be an opportunity to discuss your child’s attendance, punctuality and most importantly how your son/daughter has settled into life at Mount Carmel. There will also be an opportunity to meet with myself to discuss any concerns you may have.
In light of Covid-19 restrictions we will be hosting the evening remotely. Attached is an information sheet containing the website link through which you can create an account and book an online video appointment slot. If you are unable to conduct the meeting remotely, please indicate this on the reply slip below and we will ensure we find an alternative method to update you on your child.
To confirm attendance and to help us with organisation, please complete the reply slip and return this to your child’s form tutor.
Once you have scheduled an appointment, you will receive a reminder on the day via the email you register with a link that will take you directly to your appointment. Please ensure you sign in on the evening 5 minutes prior to your appointment slot to ensure that the meeting is fully set up and working.
Should you have any questions regarding this event or if you foresee a problem attending and you think we may be able to help, please contact me directly at school.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Lowe
Pastoral Leader for Year 7