Year 9 participated in a PSHCE Sexual Health Day. During this session, Rachel from Lancashire Sexual Health Services (LSHS) spent time, (whilst being socially distant), talking to our pupils about consent, when the lines can be blurred and when there may be no definitive proof of consent.
She also talked about healthy/unhealthy relationships, how porn and technology can affect people’s relationships and then she moved on to methods of contraception with very engaging condom demonstration.
This content was delivered in a very age appropriate way and complements the Year 9 PSHCE curriculum currently being delivered this half term, which covers Safe Sex and Relationships. The pupils were very engaged and enjoyed the very practical and (memorable) condom demonstration.
Mr Khan, Assistant Curriculum Leader for R.E./PSCHE and RSE commented "We were very pleased with how mature our pupils were during this session and upon speaking to them, they left with a lot to think and reflect on."
For more information visit Lancashire Sexual Health Services social media pages using these links;