Mount Carmel staff said a hurried 'Farewell' to Year 11 pupils after the announcement from government that all schools in England had to close for the majority of pupils from the end of day on Friday 20th March. Staff dealt with a range of emotions from the pupils who felt very confused with the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic and cheated out of their last few weeks at school.
The pupils will not take their GCSE exams as planned during the Summer of 2020 and alternative arrangements are still to be fully announced.
Assistant Pastoral Leader for Year 11 Miss Taylor wanted to make sure they left knowing how much they meant to us all and organised the traditional shirt signing and leavers photos and our catering staff made a fantastic hot buffet for them all.
Pastoral Leader for Year 11 Mr Cottam said "I am so proud of how the Year 11 pupils have coped with the shocking news of a sudden school closure so close to sitting their GCSE exams and the uncertainty that has surrounded us over the last couple of weeks. The way they have handled the situation is a massive credit to them and also to their parents. We wish them all the very best for the future and we want them to know we will do our best to ensure they get to have a leavers prom."
Headteacher Mr Bowers commented "We really feel for our Year 11 pupils and their teachers. It just seems so wrong that so close to the GCSE Exams that they are not to be given the opportunity to show what they can do in test conditions, especially after all the hard work that has gone into preparing for them. We await to hear how the GCSE qualifications are going to be awarded this year. At some stage we will also ensure we recognise and celebrate their 5 years at Mount Carmel. In the meantime, thank you for all your support."