On Christmas Eve, the Holy Father opened the Holy Door at St Peter’s Basilica, marking the beginning of this Jubilee Year as Pilgrims of Hope.

During a Jubilee Year, it is customary for the faithful to undertake a pilgrimage to a sacred site. Last weekend, Ben Davies, Head of Religious Education at Mount Carmel High School, embarked on a ‘mini pilgrimage’ to Rome in honour of the Jubilee. He had the esteemed privilege of carrying the Pilgrim Cross, which leads groups of pilgrims through the Holy Door into St Peter’s—a great honour for both him and our school.

In addition to passing through the Holy Door at St Peter’s, Mr Davies visited and walked through all four Holy Doors in Rome, embracing the spiritual significance of the pilgrimage. He also carried prayer petitions from pupils and staff, which were prayerfully left in the city as part of his journey.

Beyond his visits to the Holy Doors, Mr Davies explored over 30 churches in Rome, covering approximately 40 miles on foot. Among the sacred sites he visited was Santa Maria della Vittoria, home to Bernini’s magnificent sculpture of St Teresa, as well as a chapel dedicated to Our Lady of Mount Carmel—an especially meaningful connection to our school’s heritage.