A photo gallery of this event can be viewed at the bottom of this page.

Mount Carmel Summer Awards Evening took place on 27 June 2024 to celebrate the achievements of years 7 - 10 pupils.

The evening began with a welcome and opening remarks from Deputy Headteacher Miss Farrelly followed by an extract from the Mount Carmel 2024 production of Peter Pan' 'We're all Made of Stars'. 

Headteacher Mr Bowers then addressed the visitors thanking them for attending the event to celebrate the achievements of pupils as they receive awards for attainment and achievement in their subjects, for role model awards and for the prestigious Logan Wood Memorial Award. He also thanked them for the support and strong home school partnerships that helps pupils succeed in school.

Mr Bowers then thanked all staff for being a dedicated team who work tirelessly to ensure that all pupils get the very best possible education in all aspects of school life. 

He asked pupils to take time to say thank you to their parents for their support, advice and guidance. It costs nothing but will mean the world to them!

Mr Bowers thanked Chair of Governors Mr Andrew Dabrowski and the Governing Body saying we are fortunate to have such a dedicated team supporting the school.
He concluded by saying that if we all continue to work together for the best of all our pupils the Mount Carmel will continue to go from strength to strength and can look forward to continued success in the future. 

The evening showcased the talents of current Mount Carmel pupils with subject awards presented by Pastoral Leaders from each year group. Role model awards were then presented one from each form group. Reasons for nominations for these awards included excellent commitment to their studies, being caring, helpful and trustworthy. Comments also included being active participants in school activities, helping others who are struggling and being positive role models. Pastoral Awards were also presented to pupils from each year group. 

Seven pupils were nominated for an award dedicated to the memory of much loved pupil Logan Wood. The winner announced on the evening was Jessica Foote. 

Mrs Javaid announced Bronze Level Arts Awards to eleven pupils and they were presented with certificates.

Finally, the girls Flag American Football team who won the National Championships the day before showed off their large trophy and were congratulated on their fantastic achievement.

Chair of Governors Mr Dabrowski spoke to the visitors stating that the pupils were the heart and soul of Mount Carmel displaying this with their determination and creativity. He thanked parents for their continued support which enables them to thrive. He also thanked staff who worked hard to ensure pupils reached their full potential.

Finishing off the evening the school choir performed 'Oceans Where Feet May Fall' led by Miss Javaid.

To conclude the evening a vote of thanks to the guests was made by Kieran McKean and Edie Winstanley Mount Carmel Head Boy and Head Girl.

To view the names of all award winners please view the booklet below.

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