Members of the Eco and Biology Challenge Club, took part in the UK’s biggest citizen science wildlife survey, the Big Birdwatch. The students spotted and were able to identify a wide range of species around the school grounds, including a Pied Wagtail, blue tits, starlings, collared doves and black headed gulls. In what has been a very rainy February, we were blessed with a sunny afternoon to carry out our survey.
The pupils were very pleased to unpack and use eight new sets of Binoculars, which were kindly purchased for us by the Mount Carmel PTFA to support this enrichment activity. A number of students brought their own cameras along to photograph the birds we observed.
What is the Big Birdwatch?
The Big Birdwatch is the UK's biggest citizen science wildlife survey and has been taking place since 1979. Annually over 500,000 people take part, recording over 9 million birds. Taking part and submitting data, allows the RSPB to understand how our garden birds are doing right now. All the observation data will be analysed after the conclusion of the campaign. A comprehensive analysis of bird species, population numbers, population trends, and observation locations will be compiled nationwide. The goal isn't to obtain precise population figures but rather to identify frequencies and trends.
The campaign paints a regional and nationwide portrait of bird life in villages and towns. Ultimately, the population data is compared with previous years, unveiling new insights into the development of numerous bird species and potentially regional variations. These results form a supportive foundation for potential bird conservation measures.