Mount Carmel held an Eco Champions day inviting partner primary school Eco teams along to participate with Mount Carmel's Eco team in a range of activities.
Fifty Year 6, 5 and 4 pupils from St. Oswald’s, Sacred Heart, Green Haworth, St. Anne’s & St. Joseph’s, St. Paul's, St. Peter's and Mount Carmel participated in ECO activities during the course of the day. They made bird boxes and bug hotels in the Design Technology workshops using power tools and screwdrivers and went into one of Mount Carmel's science labs to look closely at what life they could see in pond water. There was even some frog spawn!
After a tasty lunch in the Twelve Star Diner the pupils went outside to be shown Mount Carmel's racing pigeons.
All pupils then came together in the afternoon to discuss a Biodiversity action plan for their own school. Guided by school ECO co-ordinators Mr Blair and Miss Jenkinson they discussed what they currently do in their own schools and what they plan to do. Their discussions included how to make their ideas a reality and sourcing donations and resources. Their creative ideas included building log piles, hog houses, nest boxes, bee nests, ponds, rock piles and toad holes.
Each team of pupils then bravely stood on the stage in Mount Carmel's hall and presented their Biodiversity Action Plan (using the microphone!) to the other teams explaining their vision, how it could develop over time and how practically it could be managed regarding budget and available resources. The other teams asked lots of very interesting and sensible questions which enabled a sharing of ideas to plans. The teams all felt confident to present their action plan to peers and staff when they return to their own schools.