7 February 2023
Dear Parent/ Carer
Thank you for giving your child the opportunity to join us on our pupil leadership trip to London on 27-28 February. I would like to take this opportunity to provide you with further information and answer any queries that you may have.
Itinerary (please note that timings are approximate and subject to change if necessary)
Monday 27 February
6am: Pupils to arrive at school promptly in preparation for the coach to depart. Breakfast will be provided for pupils whilst on the coach.
12-1pm: Arrive in London. Pupils will be dropped off at their hotel: Premier Inn London County Hall, Belvedere Road, Westminster, SE1 7PB. Please ensure pupils have been given a packed lunch to eat on arrival at the hotel.
2pm: Pupils will take part in a representation and voting workshop and tour of Parliament.
5:30pm: Pupils will visit the London Eye.
7:30pm: Pupils will have dinner at Prezzo and will have the opportunity to see some of the sights of London whilst walking to the venue (Downing St, Leicester Square, Trafalgar Square etc.).
9:30pm: Pupils to return to the hotel.
Tuesday 28 February
8am: Pupils will have a full English/ continental breakfast at the hotel.
10am: Pupils will take the Thames Clipper boat.
10:45am: Pupils will participate in a tour of the Tower of London.
12:30pm: Lunch will be provided and pupils will take the Thames Clipper to return to the hotel.
2pm: Pupils will be collected from the hotel.
8pm: Pupils to return to Mount Carmel (time is provisional and staff/pupils will contact parents/ carers on the day with further information).
• Packed lunch for Monday 27 February
• Waterproof coat
• Appropriate clothing for each day (note: pupils will be visiting Parliament on Monday, so should dress appropriately for this and ideally not wear jogging bottoms etc).
• Personal toiletries
• Comfortable shoes appropriate for walking
• A small amount of spending money, if pupils would like to buy anything from the service station during the journey or souvenirs from the attractions
• Phone/ camera if they wish to take photographs when appropriate
Dan’s Trust
Dan’s Trust are a charity who aim to provide young people with funding to help provide opportunities to achieve their goals. I contacted the charity to see if they would be interested in sponsoring our visit to London. The charity has very kindly made a substantial contribution to the cost of the visit, which has meant that we are able to give pupils this fantastic opportunity at an extremely low price. The charity has asked if they can share the visit as part of their promotional materials. If you are happy for your child to be featured in their promotional materials on their website and social media, please complete the attached consent form. Please note, that the charity will only be given some images of the visit and no videos will be taken of pupils.
Medical form
Pupils are required to have an updated medical form for the visit. Please complete the attached form and ask your child to return this to school at the earliest convenience.
Industrial action
I would like to take this opportunity to reassure you that the visit will still go ahead, despite the industrial action taking place on Tuesday 28 February.
If you have any questions regarding the visit, please do not hesitate to contact me at school or email ecruse@mountcarmelhigh.lancs.sch.uk.
I hope the visit is going to be extremely rewarding for our pupils and they are looking forward to it as much as we are.
Yours faithfully
Miss E Cruse
Teacher of English/ Pupil Leadership Co-ordinator