Dear Parent/Carer
On Thursday 3rd March 2022, 4:00pm–7:00pm we will be hosting our Year 9 Parents Evening. This is an extremely important date in the school calendar for Year 9 pupils and their parents in order that best use is made of the information provided, enabling the most appropriate GCSE subject choices to be made for Key Stage 4.
Mount Carmel is committed to ensuring that your child achieves his/her full potential, and the Parents/Options Evening is an opportunity to provide guidance in choosing subjects for Year 10 and 11 courses. You will be given the opportunity to speak with your child’s teachers to discuss current attainment and how best you can help him/her continue to make progress.
In the week commencing 7th February your child will receive an appointment sheet so that he/she can make appointments with his/her teachers for you at an appropriate time. Please make sure that your child knows when you will be attending during the evening (for example, 4.00pm–6.30pm or 5.30pm–7.00pm).
Please return the completed reply slip to your child’s’ Form Tutor. Should you have any questions regarding this event or if you foresee a problem attending and you think we may be able to help, please contact me directly at school.
Yours sincerely
Mr C Cottam
Pastoral Leader for Year 9