To be read in all Schools in the week commencing 11th October 2021
Dear young people in the Diocese of Salford,
It is clear that the meeting of world leaders in Glasgow, for COP26, is urgent and important. As science has revealed more about our world and given us knowledge about the Environment, there is now a real understanding of the damage that the human race is doing to the world by the way we live. Scientists are now able to predict changing weather conditions and environmental events, but many are concerned that things are getting worse more quickly than we thought.
Care for the environment and for creation is deeply rooted in our Christian Faith. We are the guardians of creation and responsible for its well-being. We have probably ignored or taken it for granted for too long. By accident, we have exploited all that our planet has to offer us in abundance.
Now we understand what we must do to repair the damage we have caused. We all have our own part to play in making changes to our own lives that will have a positive impact. We know how we can use electricity and water sparingly, reduce food waste and re-cycling. Your parents know how to reduce the fumes and gasses from their cars. It is our Christian duty to care for creation.
Soon, in Glasgow, world leaders of powerful countries will try to make agreements and pledges. They must think and act in the best interest of every person on the planet. Our political leaders must try and help by making realistic and achievable decisions which will stop global warming and protect the planet for your children and grandchildren in years to come.
I am writing to you today to ask that we change our personal lifestyle and to make every effort through the power of prayer for those gathering at the COP26 meeting.
We should try to pray daily and especially during the COP26 meeting 1-12 November, that world leaders may understand the urgency of making radical
decisions which are needed now to give us a healthy environment.
A suggested prayer might be:
Loving Father,
We acknowledge that,
either through ignorance or greed,
the Earth, our common home, is damaged.
That damage is felt most by people who have done little to cause it.
Industrialisation has exploited natural resources,
endangering wildlife, causing climate change,
and resulting in disasters and global warming.
Father, forgive us, and guide us.
Send your Spirit to encourage and strengthen
our world leaders as they meet at COP26.
Cause them to discern the way that we must now go,
Agreeing the changes and decisions necessary
to begin to repair the damage done
and to prepare a healthy and secure world for future generations.
And we ask Mary, our Mother, to intercede for us, and with us, in our need. Amen
Young people of Salford Diocese, I invite and encourage us all to place our trust in the power of prayer.
“Stay with us, Lord, on our journey".
Yours devotedly
+John Arnold
Bishop of Salford