Responsibility for entering students for autumn 2021 exams
In January 2021, the government announced it was no longer fair for GCSE, AS, A level and some VTQ exams to proceed as planned. Instead, students who were due to sit exams have received teacher assessed grades this summer.
Students will also have the option to sit GCSE, A level and some AS level exams in autumn 2021. Some VTQ students will be able to sit exams in autumn 2021 and spring 2022. Students can sit exams if they are not satisfied with their summer teacher assessed grade or if they need an improved result to move onto the next stage of their education, employment or training.
This section applies to students who meet these criteria:
- were entered for a teacher assessed grade (TAG) in summer 2021, or would have intended to enter had exams gone ahead (this includes private candidates)
- any student who was aged at least 16 on 31 August 2021 can take the GCSE English language and maths exams in the November series
- For students who are continuing at the exam centre that had made, or intended to make, an exam entry for a qualification in the 2021 summer series, we expect that centre to enter them in the autumn exams, should the student wish them to do so.
We expect exam centres entering students who are continuing at the same centre to extend these arrangements to those students who:
- were private candidates in summer 2021
- were on their roll
If a student has left a centre at the end of the summer, the arrangements for entering the autumn exams will differ depending on their circumstances.
If a student has registered at another centre, the new centre (that is the one they are currently registered with) should enter them for autumn exams.
If a student is entering English or maths this autumn as a condition of funding student (they did not achieve a GCSE grade 4 or above) the exam centre they will be continuing their qualification(s) with is responsible for entering them for the autumn exams where relevant.
If a student left a centre and is not registered anywhere else, the centre that entered them in summer should enter them. This includes private candidates (candidates who were not on roll but for whom the centre had made summer exam entries by 20 March 2021).
This is the latest guidance from the DfE regarding who is responsible for entering pupils for re-sits.
Please let me know if I can be of any assistance regarding re-sits in the autumn 2021 season.
The entry deadline for a re-sit is 4th October 2021.