During the last week of the academic year Mount Carmel Year 10 pupils were taken on a rewards trip to Pendle Hill.
Over 100 pupils went on the trip and they were fortunate to have beautiful weather during the day. Even Lottie our school dog went, enjoying the walk and splashing in a stream on the way to cool down.
The walk to the top of Pendle Hill was well worth it when they were faced with amazing views as far as The Lakes and Morecambe.
Mr Evans and Mrs Heys, Pastoral Leaders for Year 10 commented "The trip was arranged to reward the pupils for the effort they showed during their PPE exams especially after such a challenging year. We felt the pupils would benefit from having time away from school and to have some fun together."
"The trip started off as a sort of adventure due to last minute diversions meaning our wonderful Red Rose coach drivers had to manoeuvre their way through the beautiful but tiny Pendle lanes and in one place achieving a 50 point turn to make sure our pupils arrived at Barley car park at the foot of Pendle Hill."
"The pupils didn't complain once even though the journey was longer than anticipated. Having arrived safely some pupils chose to go on the sculpture trail in Barley whilst the rest set off through Barley village and fields towards the stone steps leading up to the top of Pendle Hill. This was no easy climb and their determination and support to each other was amazing to witness, we are so proud of them all and hope they enjoyed it as much as we did.
Everyone enjoyed a well deserved ice cream when they returned to Barley.
Many thanks to Mrs Heys and Mr Evans who organised the trip and to the staff who came to help; Ms Downing, Mrs McDonnell, Mr Makda, Miss Clark, Mr Thompson, Mr Livesey and volunteer Sculpture guide Deborah Nuttall.