Mount Carmel High School in Accrington celebrated National Numeracy Day with a range of activities organised by the Maths department.
Parents were asked to consider and discuss with their children how numeracy plays a role in their day to day lives.
Pupils and their families were asked to send in recordings or photographs of numeracy based activities they have done at home such as a numeracy rap, song or dance. Other suggested activities included baking a cake or cooking a recipe. In school on National Numeracy Day form groups decorated their doors with numeracy posters.
Mr Makda, M.C. Maths teacher and Numeracy Co-ordinator was really pleased with the amount of participation in the activities and commented "I would like to thank everyone for their efforts in taking part in the activities at home and celebrating national numeracy day. It was also great to walk around school and see so many well decorated doors designed by pupils in their form groups. The enthusiasm around school was evident amongst pupils and staff."
A selection of photographs showing activities completed at home and of the decorated numeracy form room doors can be seen below.