The deadline for applications for a Year 7 place commencing September 2021 at Mount Carmel (and other secondary schools) is 31 October 2020.
Applications after this deadline will probably be subject to the appeals process and families may then be allocated a school that is not of their choice.
To avoid this stress it is vitally important that applications are made using the online form by 31 October 2020. Paper applications are not available.
Here is a link to this online application https://www.lancashire.gov.uk/children-education-families/schools/apply-for-a-school-place/apply-online-for-a-school-place/.
Please also carefully consider your child's eligibility to the admissions criteria of each school you wish to select.
Mount Carmel High School admissions criteria summary;
a) Baptised Catholic pupils
b) other pupils who attend a partner Catholic school
c) pupils attending one of the ‘Church & Oswaldtwistle Cluster’ schools
d) pupils who attend a Christian faith primary school
e) a pupil who has a sibling who would be concurrently on roll at the school
f) any other pupil
N.B. Children in public care and previously looked after children will always be offered a place.
Full details of our partner and cluster schools are listed on this page of our website.
Please call 01254 233458 if you require more information.