Information for all Year 10 parents
Unfortunately given the current situation, we have made the decision to cancel Year 10 work experience.
We are working closely with the Educational Business Partnership and the Careers & Enterprise Company to try and come up with an alternative arrangement for our Year 10 pupils and while it is unlikely that they will be able to complete a placement in the usual manner, there may be the possibility of either a virtual work experience programme to go on Show My Homework, or if it is feasible to do so there may be the opportunity during school holidays in Year 11 for some students to do a placement if they wish.
At this stage however nothing is guaranteed and this will depend on a wide range of factors. Please note the health and safety of our students will be paramount when making this decision and nothing will be arranged unless it is appropriately risk assessed and covered by the employers' liability insurance.
For those students who study Health & Social Care, there may be some uncertainty around your coursework as the Work Experience placement forms the basis for this assignment - please do not worry, an alternative will be arranged in some form which will be communicated to you as soon as it is sorted out.
If you have any queries or concerns regarding this, please email either office@mountcarmelhigh.lancs.sch.uk, or our Raising Aspirations Coordinator Mr Barratt on careers@mountcarmelhigh.co.uk.
Thank you for your ongoing support during these very challenging times.