Remembrance assemblies were held for all year groups led by Pastoral Leader Mrs Lowe and a group of Year 10 pupils. The assemblies remembered the Accrington Pals, in particular two young men who lived very close to where Mount Carmel is sited now. Thomas Atkinson was 18 years old and George Studdard was 19 years old when they died during the Battle of the Somme on 1st July 1916.
They were just two of 20,000 British men who died that day. Not a single street in Accrington was unaffected by this tragedy and the bells of Christ Church tolled all day. There is now a memorial in France which is made from Accrington Nori brick.
A slideshow was shown to pupils and a prayer of remembrance was read before pupils sat in silence thinking of all who have died whilst in service to their country.
Thank you to @Aletheiamat for putting this information together for our pupils.