Mount Carmel Year 11 students ended their school years in style at the Dunkenhalgh Hotel. The Leavers Prom was attended by around 100 students and 40 staff and was held on a beautiful sunny evening. They arrived in a variety of vehicles including horse drawn carriages, sports cars, even a tractor!
Head Boy Harry Sutton and Head Girl Demi Harris made their final speech and Prom King and Prom Queen awards were presented to Lee Scott and Hayley Duxbury.
Organisers of the event were Pastoral Support Officer Miss Taylor and Year 11 Achievement Co-ordinator Mr Wickham who spent many months sorting out arrangements and ensuring everyone was included in the celebrations.
Miss Taylor commented “It was a fantastic night, everyone looked amazing and we were very proud of them all. ”
Headteacher Mr Bowers said “It was a lovely occasion. There was a warm, welcoming and relaxing feel to the evening. The pupils were a real credit to themselves and to the school.”