Mount Carmel celebrated the achievements of students during their annual Key Stage 3 Awards Evening with guest speaker, ex-Mount Carmel student and current World Kickboxing Champion Keely Battrick.
The evening began with a solo performance of ‘Where is Love’ from the recent school production of Oliver!, performed by Year 8 pupil Lewis Wilkinson.
Headteacher Xavier Bowers made an address to the visitors before subject awards and role model awards were presented to pupils from Years 7, 8 and 9 by guest speaker Keely Battrick.
Role models are selected for qualities such as politeness, punctuality, helpfulness, organisation and dedication. Subject awards are presented to pupils who have a good attitude to learning as well as for attainment and achievement.
Invited guests, staff, students and families then celebrated the success of pupils with special trophies being awarded for outstanding effort and achievement.
The Duke of Edinburgh Trophy was presented to Denley McKelvey who has exemplified the spirit of the Duke of Edinburgh’s award. During the expedition he demonstrated how he is a natural leader with a great team spirit, ensuring no one was left behind. He also showed great skills in cooking a full meal using scratch ingredients.
Six pupils were nominated for ‘The Logan Wood Trophy’ in memory of a much loved and sadly missed pupil and is presented to a KS3 pupil who has shown the most effort and improvement. Nominees were Maddie Boros-Kemp, Jack Berry, Cian Bamford, Georgina Botchway, Wiktoria Falk and Bartosz Walasek. Reasons for the nominations included helpfulness, commitment, enthusiasm, exceptional manners, reliability and exceptional skills. Year 9 pupil Maddie Boros-Kemp was announced on the evening as the recipient of the award this year. Her form tutor Mrs Javaid commented “Maddie is an outstanding role model who leads by example in everything she does. Her attitude to learning is exceptional and she truly embraces all aspects of school life. She is immensely popular with both staff and students alike, due to her kind-hearted and hardworking nature. She is a credit to Mount Carmel.”
Guest speaker Keely Battrick is a former Mount Carmel Deputy Head Girl is currently completing a sport apprenticeship at Burnley Leisure Centre. Keely has had a passion for martial arts and fitness since the age of eight when she began training to burn off the extra energy that her parents always said she had! She entered her first competition, won it and never looked back.
After ten years of competing she remains unbeaten at every kickboxing tournament. She became English champion, British champion, Commonwealth champion, European champion and she is currently the World champion in her class! She proudly showed off these belts to a delighted audience.
Keely is currently coaching with her parents at ‘Fit to Fight’ and working with the local police teaching self-defence classes to disadvantaged young people in a bid to give something back to her local community.
Keely explained how she always works hard to achieve her dreams, she never quits and always believes in herself. She told the audience how she pushes negative thoughts aside and never has any doubts, or regrets.
Despite her astounding kickboxing success Keely admitted her toughest ever challenge was her Maths exam! Despite her struggle, she again showed her determination, working hard and putting in extra work which paid off when she passed the Maths GCSE, along with other great exam results.
Her family and friends have helped her be a successful kickboxer and her parents have been great motivators, lifting her spirits and giving her the strength to succeed. She also acknowledged the support and love she received from Mount Carmel and said it felt good to get recognition for all her hard work. She told the pupils present at the awards evening that if they have a passion for anything then they should work hard, overcome any obstacles and keep focused as winners never quit!
Chair of Governors Mr David Rushton gave the final address of the evening to the audience and described how he felt Mount Carmel had created a wonderful school community which was achieving academically and always had pupils’ best interest at the centre of all that it does. Teaching, he explained provides the power to change the person which ultimately can change the World.
The evening concluded with the cast performing another extract from the recent school production of Oliver!