Our ECO champions were invited to the official opening of St. Mary’s Clayton-le-Moors outdoor ECO classroom. Bishop John Arnold kindly came to bless the classroom and officially open it.
Dean Stamp, Fr. Tansy and Fr. Farrell were also in attendance.
Headteacher Mr Mashiter and Mr Bob Turner CAFOD representative who has worked with the school on this project explained how over the last year the pupils of the school and the whole community have filled and donated ECO bricks. Over 3,000 ECO bricks were created meaning over a tonne of plastic waste has been prevented from entering the environment and instead used to create something useful.
The Mount Carmel pupils who attended were very inspired and had lots of ideas they would like to do at Mount Carmel as a result of their visit. Bishop John spoke to them about the links between the schools and their interest in helping the environment.