Important message for Year 11 pupils and parents

To assist school in generating a Centre Assessed Grade; pupil workbooks, exam questions etc may be used as an additional evidence source.  Please can you collate your work in a plastic bag and drop it in the Year 11 work collection box at reception. When collating your work, ensure that all loose worksheets/paper are secured in your books. Do not worry if you do not have all of your books, as these are only an additional layer of evidence that may be used.


To avoid unnecessary contact with others and ensure that social distancing protocols are followed, work must be dropped off on the allocated slots listed below:

  • Pupil surname A-C - Monday 4th May 9:00 - 11:30am

  • Pupil surname D-I - Monday 4th May 12:00 - 2:30pm

  • Pupil surname J-O - Tuesday 5th May 9:00 - 11:30am

  • Pupil surname P-Z - Tuesday 5th May 12:00 - 2:30pm
    The work collection box will be removed after each drop slot, so work not dropped at the allocated slot will not be accepted. If you cannot make the allocated slot, please contact school to make alternative arrangements.

The OFQUAL publication (released on the 03/04/20) - Information for Heads of centre, Heads of department and teachers on the submission of Centre Assessment Grades, states:

‘Where additional work has been completed after schools and colleges were closed on 20th March 2020, Heads of Centre should exercise caution where that evidence suggests a change in performance’.