9 December 2019

Dear Parent/Carer

SALVATION WITH DR. PETER VARDY TRIP – Thursday 27 February 2020 – Central Methodist Hall, Manchester

Year 11 students concluded studying GCSE Christianity: Component 2 in Year 10 as an integral part of their GCSE Religious Education course.  We are extremely fortunate to have been given the opportunity to aid our pupils’ understanding, and consolidating their knowledge from last year, by taking part in “Salvation!” which has been carefully designed to enrich and extend Year 10-11 students’ knowledge and understanding, and to support the development of strong skills in analysis and evaluation, on Thursday 27 February 2020 at the Central Methodist Hall, Manchester.  The cost of the trip is £22.00 per pupil (£11.00 for Pupil Premium).

The event covers topics specified by the Eduqas Exam Board, which will enhance students’ understanding as part of the Christianity: Beliefs and Teachings and the most popular Thematic Studies modules for their Ethics Paper (Component 1).  Reference will also be made to Islam during the day, helping students to think laterally and extend their understanding, which is particularly helpful and integral to support pupils with more difficult concepts and content.


Dr Peter Vardy targets the following topics:

  • Nature of God;
  • Sin andSalvation;
  • Life after Death;
  • Sanctity of Life: Abortion and Euthanasia.

During the day pupils will take part in many different workshops, as outlined above, and every pupil will receive full-colour, printed revision notes to take away and keep. These notes will provide a wealth of useful quotations, revision tips, advice on essay structure, model essays and plenty of suggested tasks and activities, meaning that students don’t have to spend their time writing down information but instead they practice the necessary skills during each session.

If you would like your child to participate, please complete the attached reply slip, but please be aware that there are a limited number of spaces. The deadline for return slips and payment will be Thursday 19 December 2019.

School uniform must be worn, as this is a stipulation made by the event organisers students will be sent home if they are not in correct uniform. A packed lunch should be brought as the event does not finish until 3.00pm and there is no opportunity to purchase food.  If your child is eligible for free school meals, they will be able to pre-order a packed lunch the day before the trip.

We do hope that your child will take advantage of this fantastic opportunity to improve his/her understanding and appreciation of the topics that we are studying in class. Should you require any further details, please contact me.

Yours sincerely

Mr M Khan

Lead Teacher of Religious Education