Our ECO Committee met for the first time this term to discuss initiatives and a vision for the coming year. The committee currently has 18 members and consists of pupils, staff, a member of the school PTFA and a Governor. Science teacher Mr Crighton co-ordinates the committee and also leads the pupil ECO Champions group. An environmental prayer opened the meeting and the school ECO code was read out by pupils.

Initiatives and projects already well underway include planting of vegetables in the allotment during the Spring/Summer terms, an ECO brick project, the introduction of further water fountains in school and recycling bins in the dining room. The school ‘Twelve Star Diner’ have also stopped selling water in plastic bottles and offer biodegradable forks.

Further ideas were discussed before the meeting concluded. The next meeting will be during the next half term.

The committee aim to submit an application for an award to ‘ECO-Schools’ in the near future.